Advancing RIFM’s collaborative environmental science for European toxicologists
The Research Institute for Fragrance Materials’ Principal Scientist for Environmental Toxicology, Aurelia Lapczynski, will participate at the SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting in Seville, Spain, May 5 – 9, 2024.
Lapczynski’s participation includes a RIFM-co-funded workshop, Green Deal Safe and Sustainability by Design, and two posters.
“I’m excited to participate in this impactful event, bringing RIFM’s environmental science experience to the conversation around the European Union’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability, or CSS,” Lapczynski said.
“The SETAC multi-sectoral setup is one of the best platforms to promote RIFM science, and for that reason, the SETAC annual meetings are crucial for RIFM as they allow us to bring forward and communicate our newest work and collaborations to all members,” she continued.
“We have been working hard with our collaborators and researchers on developing new methods and understanding existing methods, and this is best presented in the following posters”:
- Building Knowledge from Available Degradation Simulation Studies, a collaboration between scientists under the European Center for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals ECETOC umbrella; and
- Determining Whole UVCB Mineralization & Constituent Specific Primary Degradation in a Modified OECD 301 Ready Biodegradability Test of an Essential Oil, a RIFM-sponsored collaboration with Karen Scharling Dyhr, Heidi Birch, and Philipp Mayer from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU).
“The degradation simulation studies poster highlights a project to gain insights into understanding higher-tier degradation simulation studies,” Lapczynski said. “In contrast, the ready biodegradability poster looks at determining the persistence of UVCBs by combining testing of whole essential oils with constituent-specific analysis.”