Board of Directors
The RIFM Board of Directors ensures the success of the organization’s long-range goals by overseeing RIFM’s direction and helping maintain its legal, financial, and ethical integrity.
BOARD MEMBERS ONLY: Click here to access Board Documents (must be signed in)
Executive Committee
Bhuvana Nageshwaran
Director, F & F
Ultra International Limited www.ultranl.comChristopher Choi, PhD, DABT, ERT
Vice President, Safety & Regulatory Affairs (Vice Chair)
Takasago International Corp USA
www.takasago.comGeorge Daher
Sr. Vice President of Global Product Safety, Regulatory Affairs and Green Chemistry (Secretary)
Estée Lauder
Nonvoting Liaison Guests
Catherine Crowley
International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades (IFEAT)
www.ifeat.orgGeneral Counsel
Tobey B. Marzouk, Esq
Marzouk & Parry, pllc