Request for Concentration Data on 98 Ingredients
Completion Date: May 9, 2025
Request for Concentration Data on 98 Fragrance Ingredients
The RIFM Safety Assessment evaluation process focuses on individual fragrance materials, and the process more rapidly incorporates advances in in vitro and in silico methodologies. This focus allows RIFM to take advantage of advances in the science of safety evaluations and meet the increasingly stringent requirements from regulatory bodies and the increased expectations of fragrance users.
Exposure data are essential for completing a safety assessment for all endpoints. The Creme RIFM Aggregate Exposure Model is a probabilistic aggregate exposure model to calculate total systemic exposure, with distributions used to model various parameters. This model enables the measurement of real-life consumer exposure to a fragrance material. RIFM has published four publications on the model in the peer-reviewed journal Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (see
This Excel spreadsheet lists the materials in this 48th concentration survey. The Excel file contains two worksheets. The first worksheet contains the 98 fragrance materials included in this survey. Please note that:
- If no exposure data exists, RIFM will not conduct a safety assessment.
- For natural complex substances (NCSs), the RIFM identifier is more critical than the CAS Number because it incorporates the ISO Standard (ISO 9235) terminology.
- The concentration data will remain confidential. They are entered into the model, but the data sources will not be available.
- The information must only be provided by fragrance compounders (companies that blend fragrance ingredients) for marketed fragrance mixtures. Please do not enter concentrations that are not currently in use.
- Please include the contribution from NCSs in reporting for chemically defined materials. In addition, we have added a column to indicate if the chemically defined material is found in NCSs.
- Since we are now re-surveying materials previously surveyed five years ago, please submit data on all the materials, even if there has been no change since the last survey.
- Note that if a material is used in a product with dual uses, the concentration should be reported in both product types.
- Only fragrance ingredients used in ‘technologies’ which aim to release a fragrance ingredient under certain conditions should be reported as the fragrance ingredient, not the parent material(s).
- Beginning with Survey #039:
- Additional product types are included. See list below.
- You will need to add the total number of formulas sold for each product type. By providing this information, Creme Global will calculate the number of formulas that contain that fragrance ingredient.
- See the RIFM Portal User Guide here for more information.
- Please complete and return this survey by May 9, 2025.
The Creme Global portal link below will provide information on registration for transferring survey data and on completing the survey:
Once registration is complete, the responder can copy data to the online Excel-style spreadsheet and submit responses for each fragrance ingredient. Each organization has a separate data submission site. A companion website will guide you through the new online data portal:
Additionally, RIFM Webinars held on February 2015, May 12, 2015, July 12, 2017, November 18, 2020, June 22, 2021, and February 7, 2023 explained in detail how to complete this survey and how the portal system works. Click on those links above to register for and view any webinars.
RIFM will follow due diligence to obtain exposure information. Materials for which usage concentration data are not provided will be added to the Not Supported List for 2025 and eliminated from the RIFM evaluation process in 2027 if the data are not received. At that time, RIFM will inform IFRA that due to the lack of data, RIFM cannot complete a safety evaluation. IFRA will then review the material for possible risk management actions, including removal from the IFRA Transparency List and/or a ban due to insufficient data.
For more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Dr. Anne Marie Api at or Gretchen Ritacco at
New Products Being Surveyed Beginning With Survey 039
1 | Eye shadow |
2 | Eyeliner |
3 | Lip balm |
4 | Mascara |
5 | Sun care body* |
6 | Sun care face* |
7 | Baby bath product |
8 | Baby eau de toilette |
9 | Baby face cream |
10 | Baby facial cleansing wipes |
11 | Baby hair conditioner |
12 | Baby hand cream |
13 | Baby hand sanitizer |
14 | Baby lip balm |
15 | Baby liquid soap |
16 | Baby moisturizing cream |
17 | Baby oil |
18 | Baby ointment |
19 | Baby shampoo |
20 | Baby shower gel |
21 | Baby sunscreen* |
22 | Baby toothpaste |
23 | Baby wind and weather cream |
24 | Baby wipes |
*Sunscreen products – products explicitly used on the whole body for sunscreen protection; this does not include products containing sunscreen, e.g., a face cream with sunscreen protection or make-up with sunscreen protection.