Strengthening science, together. Register now for RIFM’s 3rd Annual Science Symposium

Fragrance safety begins here. Our world-renowned science and support staff are getting ready to engage fragrance-safe-use stakeholders worldwide next Wednesday, November 6, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM (noon) EDT at RIFM’s 3rd Annual Science Symposium: Strengthening science, together.
The event is free and open to the general public.
Register now for RIFM’s 3rd Annual Science Symposium
RIFM scientists and their collaborators will provide in-depth overviews of recently published and in-progress findings, talk directly with audience members, answer questions, and share knowledge and ideas in real-time.
This year’s must-attend event focuses on RIFM’s world-renowned collaborative science, its vast wealth of fragrance safety data and cutting-edge tools, and its longstanding animal-free new approach methodology (NAM) strategy, which has propelled the Institute into its position as the leading authority on the safe use of fragrance.
We hope to see you there!