Green and yellow flower within a beaker filled with liquid

Membership Application

Membership Application

PLEASE NOTE that this application is for RIFM Membership, not specifically for the RIFM Database. If your company is already a RIFM member, please contact for a subscription application.

    Type of Membership

    Active Membership

    Manufacture, nonretail sale/distribution of fragrances/ingredients

    Consumer Active Membership

    Purchasing of fragrances/ingredients for further manufacture, including consumer products

    Supporting Membership

    Manufacture for retail sale/distribution of fragranced consumer products

    Active MembershipConsumer Active MembershipSupporting Membership

    View more information about the member dues schedule.

    (Additional fees apply)

    I hereby make application to the Board of Directors for membership in the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials, Inc.; I agree to abide by the provisions of the by-laws of the corporation upon acceptance for membership